
Dreams often feel strange and confusing. Reflecting on them each morning makes me wonder what I ate, or what my subconscious is really thinking. Many people question if God still speaks through dreams. I say yes. Here is why.

The other morning I had seen a clock with 6:29 on it in my dream just before waking. The image continued to come to mind throughout the day. I began asking God what it meant. There is a lot of Christian dream interpretation sources for numbers, but I knew it was a scripture. I started praying and Psalms and Isaiah kept coming to mind. I went and looked up chapter 6 verses 2-9 in each of those books. Here are the highlights of what I gleaned.

The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
the Lord accepts my prayer. (Psalms 6:9 NIV).

6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:6-8 NIV).

This was incredible encouragement to me and strengthened me in pursuit of all that God calls me to. I almost missed this. I could have just thought it strange and brushed it off. Instead, I was reminded how close at hand He is.

Here is my guidance as you pursue your dreams. I don’t think all dreams are from God. Ecclesiastes 5 reminds us that there is a lot of “noise” in our minds. This scripture from Joel affirms for me God’s desire to share with us.

28 “And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions. (Joel 2:28 NIV).

There is a lot of guidance in scripture around this. We are told that God will use dreams for warnings, prophesy and encouragement. One thing I hold up when I am trying to understand if God is leaving me a message is this: does it line up with scripture. Sometimes dreams are violent or hurtful and I know God is not asking me to act out in violence or harm someone. Dreams are generally symbolic and not literal which can make interpretation difficult. It can also be fun. I am thankful I didn’t miss this simple message that had a profound impact on my heart.

I encourage you to dabble in understanding your dreams and learn more about how God is trying to communicate with you. Beautiful gems like this one await.

How have you experienced communication with God? Is He speaking to you through your dreams? Leave your story here and breathe life and bring hope to others.

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