
Fond memories can be fun to reminisce. They warm the heart. They allow us to feel close to others. Pictures and other special tokens can bring those fond memories back to mind. They can allow us to feel close to someone who is gone.

For me, it was a ring Dad had given Mom 35 plus years ago. It was meant to be her birthstone except rubies are expensive, so he bought her a doublet. It was two stones put together to resemble a ruby. It was beautiful and Mom loved it-so did I. Shortly after Dad gave it to her, in the boldness of a young teen, I laid claim to it telling Mom if she every got tired of it, I’d be happy to wear it. She said that would be when she was dead and I said I would wait.

Now that the ring is mine, it reminds me of the love Mom and Dad shared. It reminds me how Dad wanted to give Mom everything she ever wanted. It floods me with memories like when Dad would detour through the kitchen to give Mom a little goose. She would yelp and they both would laugh.

I took the ring to a jeweler to to have it sized and reset back to it’s original setting. The top stone shattered when they took it out of the setting. Heartbroken, I was left to decide what to do with a ring that means so much to me. Do I make it a new ring? Do I take it home in pieces? Doublets are not in demand anymore, so impossible to find. I would have to pick out something different. Would it still hold the memories if it became a different ring with only the band left? How do I hold them close?

“I remember to think about the many things you did in years gone by. Then I lift my hands in prayer, because my soul is a desert, thirsty for water from you.  Psalm 143:5-16 NIV.

How do I hold God close? I remember all that He has done for me. When my soul feels tattered and dry, I recall the times He has shown his love and grace in miraculous ways in my life. I reflect on mountain top moments when I was overflowing in awe of God’s love.

Memories are a gift to restore our hearts. They allow us to bring in close those we love when they feel distant. The same is true for God. When he feels distant, I can use my memories to draw close to Him.

How do you draw close to God when He feels distant? Share your experience here and breathe life and bring hope to others. By the way, I decided to make the ring new and still reflect what it was. It will hold the memories of the past and new ones yet to be made.

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