Author, speaker and teacher, I use life, over 20 years of ministry, research and a doctorate in work, community and family to share with others how God has set me free from life’s burdens. Specifically, I was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. God has completely cleaned my heart from this experience. I minister to women through victim recovery groups, speak independently and with Best Life Ministries. I want everyone to know that God is not an indifferent bystander. He will set us all free. To read the full story check this book on Amazon.
Mission: To encourage and empower others to experience wholeness through Christ.
I am also an associate professor for Bethel University, wife and mom of 2 boys.
Contact me for speaking to your group:
Mary, I attended a Best Life Ministries retreat last fall at Peace Lutheran Church in Faribault, MN, and bought your book Clean Your Inner House.
I was given a book that I think you will enjoy/appreciate/relate to. Called “The Mom I Want to Be” by T. Suzanne Eller. This talks a lot about forgiveness and learning to be a good parent in spite of your past.
THANKS for your ministry. Blessings. Peg Mundahl
Thank you Peg. I am always looking for a good book. I will check it out. Blessings.