Sometimes we know where we are going. Sometimes we think we know where we are going, and sometimes the destination is unknown.
Fresh fallen snow means it’s time to strap on the snowshoes and hit the trails. The path is well-known to me. I have taken it many times over the years. Initially, everything looked as expected. Then I noticed a new trail map and markings. It was nice to know the DNR was upgrading the trail system.
My typical pattern is basically a loop. I head into the woods and keep turning right. The pines all looked familiar until I got to the last right turn. There was another new map at the intersection, but the trail was wider then I remembered. I looked at the map and was slightly confused by it, so I took my typical right turn. As I came up the slight hill, I saw a gate. Hmmm. Why would they put a gate here? I was expecting to make one more turn, the only left to head back to the road. Except, when I got to the gate, I could see the main road. I was a half mile further down the road than I expected. How did that happen? Where did I go wrong? I was certain I knew where I was going, but I ended up somewhere unexpected. That is how I often feel in my walk with God.
I know God has a purpose and a plan for my life (Jeremiah). I strive to be on the path that he calls me onto. As a new year begins, I find myself reflecting on the previous year and thinking about the year to come. I know that I’m on a journey that God has called me to, yet the destination is unknown. He lets me see part way down the path, but not all the way to the destination. I am left to trust.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6 NIV.
Looking back on this past year, I’m not where I thought I would be, and yet I am where I am supposed to be. Rather than focusing on what didn’t happen the way I hoped, I’m focusing on how to continue moving forward on the journey. I’m focusing on all the ways God orchestrated my journey. I see His hand in many places. This helps me lean not on my own understanding and trust Him in every step of the journey. The year ahead is going to be a great adventure even though the destination is unknown.
How about you? Have you reflected on the year past or imagined the year ahead? Have you seen God’s hand in getting you to today? How are you going to lean not on your own understanding and trust Him? Share your experiences and we can encourage each other.