I think all of us have had moments when we struggle to see where God is in a situation. I know it’s happened to me many times. In fact, I can still hear Curt saying, “Aren’t you just supposed to have faith?” This response would usually be the result of listening to me worry about something out of my control. I don’t remember the situations anymore, but I clearly remember his statement. Yes, he has said it to me more than once. I also remember a few sarcastic responses running through my head. I managed to keep them to myself, but I was steaming that he was right.
I was listening to a podcast this week from Saddleback Church and Pastor Rick Warren. He summarized living by faith this way:
Faith is following Gods leading without knowing where (you are going) Faith is waiting for God’s timing without knowing when Faith is expecting a miracle without knowing how Faith is trusting God has a purpose in the things of my life without knowing why Faith is continuing to persist without knowing how long it’s going to last
As I listened and re-listened to this I was struck by its truth in my life and how hard it is to trust God in the gaps of when, what, why and how.
Following without knowing where the path is leading or how long it will take seem to be the ones I find myself struggling with most frequently. I have slowly started to figure out that trusting God with the my life goes far more smoothly if I’m leaning into Him. It requires that I pray more, listen more and study scripture more, and doing those things before I hit the panic mode :0)
Have you struggled with when, what, why and how? Maybe you are in the midst of that struggles?
29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29
This is the scripture for the gaps in life when I struggle to see where God is leading me. It reminds me that even when I don’t see God working, He is hard at work in my life. It’s my job to believe it.
Where do you struggle with your faith? What helps you through those difficult times? Leave a comment and share with us.