Purple Gatorade Jesus

purple gatorade






I love mission trips. As a teenager, it was while on mission trips where I began to internalize my relationship with God, understand the power of prayer, and desire to be a living example of Christ. As an adult I have taken youth on many trips across the country. I love seeing God work through mission particularly in the lives of young people.

My oldest son just returned from STORM (Service To Others in Rural Minnesota) camp. This was his second time attending this camp focused on service. They do painting, yard work and minor construction projects for people who have a need. As soon as I picked him up the stories started. One of the first things he told me about was a message that our youth director had delivered during on worship service-Purple Gatorade Jesus. Huh? As I listened to him explain it, I thought, “I want Purple Gatorade Jesus.”

I loved the analogy so much I contacted our youth director, Sami, for a synopsis of the message to share it with you. Here is how she put it:

The gist is- as we figure out ways to “verb” in the way and movement of the Holy Spirit, we should be exuding Christ. Exude, one of my favorite words, means “to ooze forth.” Which is both disgusting and awesome. If we are able to live into Jesus with passion and fervor, we should exude Christ- like in the Gatorade commercials when you see the colored Gatorade sweat dripping off the athletes- that should be Jesus dripping of those who are living into his spirit.

It’s like Purple Gatorade Jesus- just dripping out of your pores because you just can’t keep it in anymore- and everyone who sees you in action knows there’s something powerful at work in you.

I so want to exude Christ like purple Gatorade. I want to be changed from the inside out by the Holy Spirit.

But John intervened: “I’m baptizing you here in the river. The main character in this drama, to whom I’m a mere stagehand, will ignite the kingdom life, a fire, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out. Luke 3:16 MSG.

I have to admit most days I’m not exuding Christ. He is not pouring out of me like droplets of purple sweat. I want live everyday with a Holy Spirit fire within. If Christ is going to be a verb in my life, I have work to do. For starters, I need to worship more. The more I focus on Him, the more He will be a verb in my life. I also need to focus more on others and not myself. Being self-centered is not Christ-centered.

I never expected my son to be the one to put a spark in my relationship with Christ. He’s exuding a Purple Gatorade Jesus and I want that too. How about you? Do you want to ooze forth a Purple Gatorade Jesus? What changes do you need to make? Share how you plan to exude Christ here.

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