We recently acquired a boat that has a large enough motor to pull a tube. The kids were excited to hit the water with the new tube. I was excited too, and not just to watch them. As discussion ensued on how the boys wanted to configure themselves, I mentioned where I would be. My youngest’s eyes got big as smiled and said, “Are you going, too?” His expression was of surprise and seemed to be asking if I was too old.
I took my spot on the wing. Getting on and off is always the trickiest. Before we could get going, the nose of the tube went into the water and dumped us. Great. It took my kids about two seconds to get back on. Me? That was quite the effort, but I did get back on. We were off whipping across the water. I was hanging on for dear life and loving every moment of it. We were having quite the run when a hard turn and wave sent me off the edge.
I let the kids go by themselves for awhile. My arms were ready for a break. Then I rejoined them for a final round. At times I was laughing so hard the kids questioned if I was laughing or crying. I can’t wait to go again. I was invigorated and felt youthful.
As I reach my late 40’s, I hear a lot of friends talk about being old. Many friends are needing reading glasses. Our bodies seem to be changing and not in positive ways. The mirror is showing me more lines than I care to see. My husband keeps saying that we are old. I don’t feel old. I don’t want to be old. I definitely don’t want to be told I can’t do something because I’m too old.
Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?” (Genesis 17:17 NIV).
Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. (Genesis 21:2 NIV).
I admit, I do not want to be having children at ninety. However, I do think that God can use me for the entire time I’m on this planet. God can call me to a change in my career, ministry, or into mission at any age. I can’t stop the chronological clock, but I can control my attitude, willingness, and desire. I can refuse to get old in my heart. God didn’t stop using Abraham and Sarah. God won’t stop using me.
Are you feeling too old? Are you willing to let God to use your gifts and heart at any time? Attitude is everything. Will join me and refuse to get old?
How is God using you? How are you fighting the “too old” mantra? Share your experience here and breathe life and bring hope to others.