The body can burn upwards of 700 additional calories in a day of deep thinking and problem solving. This is why we feel exhausted after a long day of work. We also need to consider the impact of emotional gymnastics that takes place when a person faces a stressful, uncomfortable and emotionally draining situation.
We were having what seemed like a straightforward conversation. One person began to share what was on her heart. I began to have a conversation in my own head. I was frustrated by the lack of awareness as to what was shared. I wanted to leave. I wanted to yell. My emotions were jumping all over the place. I was hurt. Emotional gymnastics ensued.
Those of us who have experienced unresolved trauma find ourselves in situations where ignorance of others causes pain. We excuse behavior and painful words. We make ourselves small to not make the situation worse. We look for an escape plan. Our skin crawls as we sit trying not to make a scene.
It felt like being thrown in the lions’ den. It felt like I was about to be torn apart. But, God saved Daniel, and God saved me. In the midst of this difficult, painful conversation, I heard a gentle voice tell me to let her have this. I stayed quiet. I stayed still.
25-27 King Darius published this proclamation to every race, color, and creed on earth. Peace to you! Abundant peace!
I decree that Daniel’s God shall be worshiped and feared
in all parts of my kingdom.
He is the living God, world without end. His kingdom
never falls.
His rule continues eternally.
He is a savior and rescuer.
He performs astonishing miracles in heaven and on earth.
He saved Daniel from the power of the lions. (Daniel 6 :25-27 MSG).
The next day I was completely drained. I had definitely burned extra calories. I had shared my pain with those close to me who can give me the emotional support. I cried. I made a therapy appointment and allowed my body, mind and spirit to recover. I learned I need to give myself credit for work involved in performing emotional gymnastics in a lions’ den.
Just as God saved Daniel in the lions’ den, God saved me that day and will use this to bring further healing and restoration in my life. He is my savior and rescuer. He’s teaching me the value in acknowledging all parts of my journey. He gives me strength when I have none.
Have you performed emotional gymnastics? Has God met you in the lions’ den to rescue you? Share your experience here and breathe life and bring hope to others.