My favorite Bible is home again. It has been at our cabin for a number of years. I left it there to for my own reading, but I also kept it on the nightstand in case a renter needed comfort. We recently sold the cabin and it’s now home with me to enjoy anytime.
I decided to just open it up and read where it landed. I do this from time to time. I often read something very poignant to my current situation. The scripture was Isaiah 26 which was a worthy read, but it was the page next to it that caught my attention. It was titled My Beloved.
It’s the NIV Worship Bible (2000). It ties in worship music and writings to the scripture. I love it. Periodically, it has pages called My Beloved. The are writings written as if God were talking to me directly. This spoke directly to my current state of mind and heart.
My Beloved, I know that you fave become eary and fell the wight of the world on your shoulders. Come to Me and I will give you rest. Bring a your anxiety and fear to Me and leave them with me. I will keep you in perfect peace when you keep your mind on Me and trust Me. I care about you.
It went on to tell me not to dwell on my confusion and anxiety. It encouraged me to go to God in prayer and be thankful for all things. It finished with this.
My peace you will not be able to explain to others. No one can understand it, but you can have it. Live your life according to My instructions, and iwill be with you; because I am the God of peace, My peace will stand guard over your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
It related beautifully to the opening of Isaiah 26 and was another way God reminds me of his intentional, personal care of my wellbeing. The key is there is nothing special about me. God cares just as deeply about you and your circumstances. He created you to receive the same love and grace.
How are you reminded that you are beloved? How has God reached into your everyday to remind you that you are not alone? Share your story here and breathe life and bring hope to others.