Sometimes life throws a curve ball. A small crisis this past week had this mom stressed and exhausted. My son had started having headaches. He was taking ibuprofen regularly just to get through the school day. We thought is was a virus. By the weekend he was so tired and in so much pain that he couldn’t get off the couch. I called the nurse line for advise and made a doctor’s appointment for Monday morning. It wasn’t time for a trip to the emergency room, yet.
On Monday his pediatrician ran lots of test which meant they took lots of blood. All of the initial tests came back negative. This was good news, however we still couldn’t get his pain under control. Tuesday night he spiked a fever, so we were off to the emergency room. What had we missed? Why can’t we get the pain under control? In the emergency room, they took even more blood from the poor kid, gave him fluids and scheduled an MRI for the next day. We still weren’t getting any answers. At least in the ER, they have a special “cocktail” that finally brought down his pain. Unfortunately, it didn’t last the night.
Throughout all of this, I was a bit of a wreck. I just wanted my son to feel better. I think most parents can relate to this. I began to email family and friends and asked for prayer. I firmly believe that is what sustained me. At various times, I would start to get anxious and teary about the situation when a sense of calm would come over me. I knew in that moment prayers were being lifted up on our behalf.