God with us is a difficult concept to embrace. God always with us. We are never alone. How does that work? How do I feel close to someone who’s not here? My son taught me a little about this.
It was move in day. It was time for my eldest to move into his college apartment. It was a wet, rainy day on campus. Parents and their students were scurrying up down the sidwalks with arms full. In typical mom fashion, I started hanging up his clothes in the closet and organizing his stuff only to have him say, “Mom, I got this.”
He was ready to head out, get his books and do his thing. I didn’t want to leave him. My heart suddenly hand these pangs. I didn’t want to let go. I didn’t want to leave him, but I do want him to fly.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9 ESV).
God is always with us. We are never alone. He has impacted my heart, my life so much that I do have the sense that He is always with me. That knowing comes from building a relationship. It comes from spending time together. It comes from knowing that love is always there no matter what happens in life. He whispers in my ear when I need to make a decision. He reminds me what love does when I see someone in need. He IS always with me.
There have been times when God has felt distant. I know it is becuase I have not been paying attention to our relationship. God promises to always be with us, so if I’m feeling distant, I’m the one who needs to go home and visit. Getting involved at church, Bible study, and prayer all bring the closeness back. It really is that simple.
Okay, it’s true. I hope my son always has the sense that I am always with him. More importatnly he knows God is always with him. That is what puts my heart at rest.
Do you know that God is always with you? What do you do to keep Him close? Share your experience here and breathe life and bring hope to others.