This time of COVID has had me feeling stuck. For me, it has shown up in my social circles. Being able to spend time with friends and family has been limited as it has for many people. Part of the issue that has become apparent in a world of social distancing is that I need to be willing to reach out to friends and family to create opportunities to get together in a responsible way.
It seems like a small thing, but for me it is a big issue. I don’t call or text friends. I rarely call or text family. I blame my busy schedule, however the truth is I’m insecure. Deep inside I don’t believe others would want to spend time with me. I know it sounds lame. It feels lame to write it, but it is very real.
As I have wrestled with this and forced myself to do life differently, God has reminded me that all I need to do is put my foot in the water and He will do the rest.
9 Joshua then said to the Israelites, “Draw near and hear the words of the Lord your God.” 10 Joshua said, “By this you shall know that among you is the living God who without fail will drive out from before you the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and Jebusites: 11 the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is going to pass before you into the Jordan. 12 So now select twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe. 13 When the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan flowing from above shall be cut off; they shall stand in a single heap.” (Joshua 3:9-14 NRSV).
After wandering the desert for 40 years and Moses’s death, all they needed to do to reach the promise land was put their feet in the water God did the rest.
COVID has many of us feeling stuck in a variety of ways: financially, emotionally, spriritually, in our jobs, in our relationships and more. The truth is we were stuck before COVID. This social experiment has shined a light on our insecurities and created an opportunity for God to show us what He does best-what feels impossible.
I trusted the nudges from God to step out of my comfort zone and reach out to others. I put my foot in the water. God did the rest. Are you feeling stuck? Where is God calling you to put your foot in the water? Are you willing to trust God to do what feels impossible? Share your experience here and breathe life and bring hope to others.