I don’t consider myself a risk taker, however I do like a good adventure. Taking risks to achieve goals is often necessary. Let’s be honest, some risks are easier to take than others. It was easier for me to repel off a 150 foot cliff then begin working on my emotional wellbeing.
Over the years, I have taken risks to expand my education, apply for a new job or start a new fitness program. They have been challenging, but were not big leaps that forced me to rely on my faith.
I had one goal that required that kind of risk. In my early 20s, I thought it would be cool to write a book, but didn’t think it would ever happen since I didn’t like writing. This risk required vulnerability. I was putting my story out there for others to consume and criticize, or worse yet not read. What if no one was interested in the story? My biggest fear was that it would be considered poorly written. Writing is not my strength. Taking this risk to achieve my goal was going to require a leap of faith. The only way for the book to be written was by a deep reliance on God. It was only through God that I had the words, ideas, and time to get it completed.
God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left. (Lamentations 3:22-24 MSG).
Most recently, I have had the goal of physical and emotional health. This required digging further into the traumas of the past. It required a willingness to go back to that emotional pain to reframe it and release the emotions I have held inside for decades. This is hard work. The kind of hard work that has required a deep reliance on God’s faithfulness, and God has been faithful.
Taking risks to achieve goals is required to reach every goal. Some goals challenge us further. What risks have you taken that require a deep reliance on God? What risk have you are you struggling to take because you can only do it with God? Share your experience here and breathe life and bring hope to others.